How to Balance Screen Time and Play Time for Your Child

How to balance screen time and playtime for your child featured image

As parents or caregivers in the 21st century, you probably face a common dilemma, how much screen time should you allow your child? 

Screens are everywhere these days, from TVs and computers to smartphones and tablets. Screens offer many benefits to your child, such as education, entertainment, and socialization

But they also pose risks for your child. Too much screen time can have the following effects on your child:

  • Obesity: Screen time can reduce your child’s physical activity and increase their calorie intake, which can result in weight gain and obesity.
  • Sleep problems: Screen time can interfere with your child’s sleep cycle and quality, which can affect their mood, energy, and concentration.
  • Behavioural problems: Screens can expose your child to violent or inappropriate content, which influences their attitudes, values, and actions. They can reduce your child’s social skills and emotional regulation, affecting their relationships and well-being.
  • Educational problems: Screens can distract your child from their homework and academic performance, which affects their learning and development. It can also impair your child’s attention span, memory, and creativity, affecting their cognitive and problem-solving skills.

But how do you find the right balance between screen time and playtime for your child?

Set Rules and Regulations

Start by setting ground rules and regulations for your child and yourself. Determine when, where, and how screens are used in the house. 

For example, you can:

  • Limit screens to no more than two hours per day for your child
  • Avoid screens for at least an hour before bedtime
  • Keep screens out of your child’s bedroom and other places where they sleep
  • Turn off screens during mealtimes, family time, and homework time
  • Use parental controls, filters, and timers to monitor and manage your child’s screen time and content

According to a survey by Ofcom (2019), children aged 5 to 15 in the UK spend an average of 9 hours and 30 minutes per week playing online games.

The content children consume on screens is just as important as the amount of time spent.

You can make screen time more productive by watching with your child and talking about it afterwards. For example, you can:

  • Choose high-quality, educational content that aligns with your child’s interests and age
  • Set limits on entertainment content, such as movies and video games
  • Use screen time as an opportunity to explore your child’s interests and passions
  • Foster creativity by encouraging your child to draw, write, or act out scenes inspired by the content
  • Discuss the characters, their choices, and the lessons they learn in the content

Encourage Outdoor and Indoor play

Children playing with toys

Encourage other activities that do not involve screens. You can provide your child with opportunities to play, learn, and socialize in different ways. Join your child in these activities and have fun together.

For example, you can encourage:

  • Outdoor play: This helps your child develop their physical, emotional, and social skills. You can take your child to the park, the playground, or the garden, and play games, sports, or explore nature with them.
  • Indoor play: This helps your child develop their cognitive, creative, and language skills. Give your child toys, books, games, or art materials, and play with them or let them play on their own or with their peers.
  • Family time: This helps your child develop their emotional and social skills. Spend quality time with your child and other family members and do activities such as reading, cooking, or playing board games with them.

But what better way to facilitate indoor and outdoor play activities than with Moor Toys?

Moor Toys has toys that not only entertain but also nurture your child’s growth and learning. With various options, we bring the best of both worlds, combining fun and education seamlessly.

Here are some toys for both outdoor and indoor play:

Be a Good Role Model

Guardians playing with kids

Children often emulate the behaviours of their parents or guardians. Setting boundaries for your screen time use can help your child develop healthy habits as they imitate you. Here are some tips to help you be a good role model:

  • Set device-free times and zones, such as meal times and family outings
  • Establish screen-time goals for yourself
  • Refrain from using your phone or tablet when accompanying your child to play, instead play with them

Dealing With Resistance

Kid throwing a tantrum

Your child may resist, complain, or throw tantrums when you limit or restrict their ‘freedom’ with screens.

You may also feel guilty, stressed, or overwhelmed by the thought of setting screen-time boundaries for your child. But it’s important to stand firm.

Here are some tips to help you deal with resistance:

  • Set attainable goals: Instead of jumping right to the recommended two hours per day, start by cutting screen time back a little at a time.
  • Be calm, firm, and consistent: You can explain the reasons and benefits of balancing screen time and playtime for your child, and stick to the rules or guidelines that you set. You can also acknowledge your child’s feelings and empathize with them but do not give in to their demands or threats.
  • Be flexible and adaptable: Adjust the rules or guidelines for your child according to their age, needs, and circumstances. Also, be open to feedback and suggestions from your child, and involve them in the decision-making process.
  • Be positive and supportive. Praise your child for following the rules or guidelines for screen time and playtime, and reward them with non-screen-related activities or gifts like fun educational toys.

Also, encourage your child to try out new fun activities and join them or support them along the way.

Here are some toys that you can gift your child and encourage non-screen activities:

Benefits of Finding the Right Balance

Finding the right balance between screen time and playtime for your child can help them enjoy the best of both worlds. 

Some benefits that come with the right balance include:

  • Fosters healthy development
  • Enhances cognitive growth
  • Strengthens social bonds 
  • Promotes physical well-being
  • Sparks creativity and imagination

Finding the right balance between screen time and playtime can seem like a challenge at first, but taking small steps can have great health benefits and allow for quality family bonding.

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